I Went Searching on My Own

By Heather Neuenfeldt -  January 6, 2025


"I worked my way through the Bible and found an ad on Facebook for BibleStudyOffer.com.
"I worked my way through the Bible and found an ad on Facebook for BibleStudyOffer.com.


My story began when my dad died in 1999. When he passed, I wanted nothing to do with organized religion and instead ran to paganism. I bought books, read up on various topics and delved into metaphysics (i.e. tarot cards, divination, etc.). Over the next 20 years I would learn more and more of the different metaphysics that are out there and wanted to try it all. I even joined a group that met every week. At the time, it filled a void. The church we belonged to was not doing it for me so I went searching on my own. During this 20 years from God, I did find various Bible Studies on the internet. Trouble was that many of the studies were too hard to understand where they were coming from. The most interesting part of my journey is that it included unusual people. One was Glenn Beck, who had a show on CNN Headline News and then FOX. Sometimes during his show, Beck would say a Bible verse. Eventually, I began to look up Bible verses and also began to read the Bible. I worked my way through the Bible and found an ad on Facebook for BibleStudyOffer.com. I began to get the studies sent to my house. By the time I was on study twelve or thirteen they stopped coming. So, I went on with my metaphysics life. It was not until a local pastor from the Fenton church came to my house that my life began to really change. His name was Pastor Hodet. When he came to my house I explained that I had not finished the studies and that I wanted to finish and have someone come to the house. For the next few weeks Pastor Hodet came to my house and I finished the It Is Written Bible studies. Then I was baptized in August 2017. Since then, I have grown in my love for Christ and how He has shaped my life. Now, I am on the church board and have taken many positions (we have a small church) and so I have many hats. So many hats that my Aunt has suggested that I am being taken advantage of, but I do not think of my hats that way. For I believe that once I came back to church I needed to go in 100%.

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