Revive Clinic

By Beth Thomas -  June 20, 2024



by Beth Thomas, Assistant Editor, Adventist Review

A Wholistic Approach to Health and Wellness at Camp Meeting

If you’ve spent any time around the Cedar Lake church this week, you may have seen signs advertising the Revive Clinic, a new feature at camp meeting.


When Kimberly Azelton, medical director and physician at Lansing Family and Lifestyle Medicine, was invited to share a seminar on natural remedies at camp meeting last year, she realized it’s hard to teach something with words that is done physically. “I asked if I could do a hands-on component,” she says. Her seminar participants gave over 300 hydrotherapy treatments to camp meeting guests, practicing what they’d learned in class.

There was such a demand for practical lifestyle education that the idea for a free clinic at camp meeting offering an array of services—from water therapies and health and wellness coaching, to dietetics and spiritual care consultations—was born.

Situated in the Cedar Lake church for the duration of camp meeting, the Revive Clinic features a qualified team of physicians, nutritionists, fitness coaches, dieticians, physical therapists, pastors and more who give, according to the advertising flyer, “practical, easy to implement tools to reverse and/or prevent type II diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease or certain autoimmune diseases.”

Azelton says that at the water therapy station alone, practitioners have given between 80-100 treatments a day, including immune boosting chest fomentations (applying warm moist compresses), hot foot baths for relaxation and headaches, and fomentations for joint pain.

This was one attendee’s first time receiving water therapy. “I was blessed by having both fomentation and foot therapies,” he says. “I really have enjoyed the lectures and how they incorporate both scientific and practical aspects in the presentations followed by examples of real-life application.”

In addition to the water therapies, guests have benefited from other services offered. Philip Mills, Lansing church pastor, is one of the volunteer spiritual care providers. Currently completing a master’s degree in counseling, Mills believes education is an important component in the intersection between wholistic medical and spiritual health. Spiritual care appointments address issues such as negative thought patterns and false beliefs about oneself and how Scripture can remedy those ideas. While time is limited at camp meeting to explore issues fully, Mills says this dialogue starts the process. “In the future we hope to have a better connection to the local church so they can continue discussion with their pastor,” he says.

Volunteer Nathan Hyde is a fitness coach from Lansing. His classes focus on total-body fitness for every ability level. His primary demographic has been guests aged 60+ with a focus on balance. But another major concern for Michigan residents is how to stay active in the winter, and Hyde provides demos for body weight exercises people can do in their homes without a lot of equipment. He also recommends swimming or walking indoors to maintain physical health during the cold winter months. “People come here and get motivated,” he says, “but what happens after camp meeting?” This year he’s offering a 30-day follow up and health challenge to help maintain their enthusiasm. About 30 people have consistently attended his classes.

Debbie Swena, a board-certified Lifestyle Medicine physician, oversees two culinary medicine kitchens where attendees listen to health presentations and create wholesome, delicious food. “We’re really looking at the role of whole-food, plant-based cooking in helping to prevent and reverse diseases such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and others,” she says. Guests have been exploring take-home recipes using cruciferous vegetables, a variety of grains, and nuts and berries high in omega-3 fatty acids.

There is much more the Revive Clinic offers, but by combining natural remedies, hands-on hydrotherapy, practical lifestyle education, and spiritual care, the clinicians provide a well-rounded approach to wellness. The high demand and positive feedback show just how much these accessible health solutions are needed. Participants not only find immediate relief but gain valuable tools and knowledge to stay healthy long-term. This, Azelton affirms, is why the Revive Clinic exists. “We want people to be whole,” she says. A desire which really embodies the gospel— offering a message of hope, health, and healing to all who embrace its gift.

Medical Disclaimer: If you are under the care of a physician, seek their advice before making any adjustments to your current medical routine.