This year marks a division-wide Year of Evangelism, dubbed Pentecost 2025 by the North American Division (NAD).
The rally opened with an inspiring message from Justin Ringstaff, Executive Secretary for the Michigan Conference. Ringstaff urged members to stay active and prayerful as they engage in this special year of evangelism. Following his message, attendees entered into a season of prayer, lifting up their churches, their own hearts, and those who will be attending the upcoming meetings.
Before the prayer session, Cody Francis, Ministerial Director for the Michigan Conference, reminded attendees that “Pentecost would have never happened if the believers had not gathered together, put aside their differences, and sought God earnestly.”
After the prayer time, Elder Jim Micheff, Michigan Conference President, addressed the crowd and shared that while the NAD initially aimed for 3,000 churches to participate in evangelism meetings in 2025, over 4,900 churches have now committed to holding meetings. The NAD is investing over $13 million in this historic effort—providing $3,000 per site!
The Lake Union has 478 churches and schools participating: 163 are from Michigan.
In Michigan, some churches will begin their evangelism series in just a few weeks. As we step into this year of evangelism, please keep the efforts of our brothers and sisters across Michigan in your prayers.