Strong Tower Radio: Pressing Forward Together

By Kam Ferguson -  October 1, 2024


Strong Tower Radio: Pressing Forward Together

During nearly 15 years of broadcasting the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ, proclaiming God’s true character in clear lines, our heavenly Father has grown Strong Tower Radio’s (STR) coverage from one radio station to 15, with Federal Communication Commission (FCC) construction permits for nine more stations!


We praise and thank Him, and we thank you, reader and listener, for helping to make this possible through your faithful support. We continue to meet STR listeners in many places, both geographically throughout Michigan and in their spiritual experiences with the ministry broadcast. Let me share a few of them with you.

Val, near Ludington, has been listening to STR for three months, and her friends have noticed she’s much happier. After discarding TV due to its poor content, she turned to radio and discovered STR. She first heard uplifting music, then a powerful sermon, followed by truth-filled children’s stories—she loved it all. Val particularly enjoys the biblical messages from Michigan pastors and encourages her friends to listen as well.

My wife Jodi recently met a berry farmer near Muskegon who has listened to STR for several years.     Just minutes before they met, he had been listening to an STR program on victory over addictions. He repeatedly shared how much he appreciates the messages he hears on STR. Praise God!

Dale, a veteran from northeastern Michigan, discovered STR while searching for hope and a reason to live. After listening for a few years, he says that Bible truth has changed his life. Initially resistant to teachings such as the Bible’s stance on alcohol, he found himself drawn in by STR’s sermons, Bible Q&A programs, and uplifting music. Convicted of his value to God and his need for divine help, Dale began to experience transformation. He says, “I pray regularly now, and the truth is sinking in deeper. I confront my inner man instead of avoiding him, and God strengthens me. I’ve been free of alcohol for almost three years, tobacco for almost two years, and unclean foods for over a year, praise God!”

Eric, who lives in central Michigan, listens to STR while driving his parcel delivery route. After years of listening, he has been convicted by the messages and has started attending his local Seventh-day Adventist church. While he hasn’t joined yet, the Sabbath I met him, he had scheduled a Bible study that afternoon to introduce friends to the three angels’ messages. Glory to God!

John, disillusioned by the growing departure from Scripture in various Protestant churches, searched the FM dial and found STR. The truth-filled messages resonated with his own Bible study. After several years of listening, John and his wife began attending their local Adventist church and studying the Bible with Pastor Bob Benson. As their studies progressed, the Holy Spirit stirred their hearts. John recently declared his faith in the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ through baptism and is now part of the Seventh-day Adventist Church family. Praise God! Please pray that the rest of John’s family will follow his lead.

These testimonies showcase a few examples of the Holy Spirit working through the STR broadcast to change lives. We’ve observed that STR listeners often listen for two to three years before deciding to accept the everlasting gospel and follow Jesus completely. This calls for ongoing prayer and financial investment which bring incalculable rewards: souls embracing the whole gospel of Jesus Christ!

More Michigan churches will soon have STR on their local FM dial as new radio signals granted by the FCC in 2022 near completion. Developing these new signals has required us to navigate various obstacles, but we continue to press forward in faith, holding fast to God’s guidance. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces that seek to hinder STR’s expansion. Praise God, who provides solutions to the challenges we face! He promises in His Word, “Commit your way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass” (Ps. 37:5).

The Port Sanilac and Owosso stations overcame cost and funding challenges, then prolonged contract negotiations, and are now moving forward toward completion.

The stations in Port Sanilac and Owosso overcame cost and funding challenges, followed by prolonged contract negotiations, and are now moving toward completion. The new station in Greenville is almost ready. Ideally situated to cover the gap between STR signals in Grand Rapids and Harrison, this station, 89.9 FM, WJCG, has faced many obstacles. The first two towers we worked with had technical issues and were overpriced, leading to a prolonged assessment process. Yet, during this time, God provided a tower 14 miles north of the FCC-approved site. The FCC granted our modification from 6,000 to 15,000 watts on that tower, allowing the signal to cover a much larger area with the everlasting gospel 24/7/365! However, this larger signal comes with a larger price tag, and $15,700 is still needed to complete the new Greenville station.

Much more will be written to God’s glory detailing what He has done, is doing, and will do to complete all nine stations and begin their broadcast! Thank you to each of you who are not only praying for but also financially supporting STR operations and new station expansion. Lives are being changed, believers are being added to the Seventh-day Adventist church, and more amazing testimonies are straight ahead!