Andy Im in transit across the state of Michigan to witness God at work in the lives of members & the community. Your church could be next!
Grand Haven Church
The Grand Haven church had 39 members & 18 visitors on opening night.
Jerry & Jan provide a hearty welcome to guests & members.
Amy is one of three that helps with children's programming. A number of the kids are guests.
Bill hard at work behind the gadgets.
Family & friendship invites are the primary reasons visitors attend the meetings.
All the messages are available to distribute to guests who may miss a meeting or two.
Each table has a table host, which provides familiarity for returning visitors. The host becomes a point of contact & answers any questions guests may have.
Pastor Ted doing a great job sharing thoughtful, timely messages.
Cherry Hill Church
On opening night, the Cherry Hill church had 13 visitors for a total of 25 attendees.
Robert serves as the head deacon & treasurer. He's the greeter for the series.
The typical Sabbath divine service is postponed for the Discovering Revelation event. The Sabbath hour is used to share one of the series' messages.
Vic (pictured) & his brother Greg are preaching the series. They swap turns for each meeting, which makes things manageable with their busy schedules.
The two ladies seated in the back row commute approximately 25-30 miles from Grose Ile to attend the series. They found out about the meetings from online promotional material.
Robert's thrilled that about 10 guests regularly attend the series.
Gertrude helps with refreshments & drinks & organizes the Sabbath potluck meal following the prophecy message on Sabbath morning.
Detroit Northwest Church
The Detroit Northwest church on Friday evening.
Brenda is one of several assisting with registration.
Shane covers AV responsibilities.
Shavon is the kitchen coordinator. Light refreshments & drinks are provided 30 minutes prior to each meeting.
Bobby is one of the deacons & helps wherever there is need.
Sister Beverley is the personal ministries director.
Bamiji shares the health nugget for the evening.
Pastor Victor shares the message for the evening.
Cadillac Church
The Cadillac series opened with 12 guests & a total of 16 guests have attended the meetings thus far. The town has a population of about 10,400.
When you walk through the church doors, Chuck will give you a hearty welcome.
Karen (left) & Heather check in guests & members.
Every night you get a different treat or "goodie."
Andrew (right) & brother Malachi assist with AV duties. Seeing the youth active is awesome.
Leading up to the event, the church family initiated a prayer meeting via ZOOM that continues today. They pray for guests & the series as a whole.
Pastor Ariel's messages appeal to the heart & mind. Look at the intensity in his eyes.
Community members also watch the series online. A URL link is made available for those unable to attend the in-person meetings. The Cadillac church is not unique in offering this service.
Pastor Ariel prepares thoughtful, spirit-led messages.
Jeremy & Jamie listen to pastor Ariel's message. Jeremy is a recently baptized member of the Cadillac church.
Steve Horvath, an elder of the church, listens to pastor Ariel’s message. His family are all involved in helping with the series.
Georgia (left) leads the prayer team & is accompanied by Jax. The team prays throughout the evening meetings & especially when appeals & other key moments take place.
Tom Mejeur with Strong Tower Radio is always laser-focused on spreading the everlasting gospel to communities in Michigan. He's an elder of the church & has been assisting with the series.
Marion Church
The Marion church has been blessed with 18 guests who have attended their series. The population of Marion is about 800.
The car of pastor Fred Calkins has seen some miles.
According to pastor Fred Calkins, Chong made sure all the fliers were distributed & two guests have attended the meetings as a result.
You can’t beat the smile of pastor Fred Calkins. The whole room lights up.
Wednesday evening is the 9th gathering of the series. Roger (left) & Dwight haven’t missed one yet.
David with Strong Tower Radio, just moments before the start of the meeting. Strong Tower Radio continues to lead souls to Bible truth.
Chong enlisted another member & designated a day to distribute all the event fliers. The scheduled day was pouring rain, but along with her friend, they were not deterred. With umbrellas & rain boots in hand & on foot, they passed out fliers at the local restaurants, post office, banks, & bars in both Marion & McGain, another nearby town.
Brance & Sandy haven’t missed a meeting. Being present for the series is a ministry in itself.
Pastor Fred retired from ministry to do ministry. They're not in it for the paycheck.
With prayer, there is power.
South Flint Church
The South Flint church on Friday evening. It's a beautiful sign that can't be missed by the community.
Lori came into the church 13 years ago this very month (October). She decided to be baptized after listening to messages while attending an evangelistic series preached by pastor Chris Ames. Someone volunteered on her behalf over a decade ago & now she has taken the baton to do the same for her community.
Gary, one of the elders of South Flint, helps in any way he can during the series. Gary decided to be baptized after listening to messages at a public series preached by Joel Nephew.
Pastor Sparks presenting at the South Flint series on a Friday evening alongside many colleagues throughout the state.
Grand Blanc Church
The Grand Blanc church is also hosting a Discovering Revelation event. Grand Blanc is considered a suburb of Flint & has a population of around 8,000.
Walking through the door, I’m greeted by Lyn who exudes warmth & hospitality. She personally invited 99 individuals to the series.
Lyn was looking for a vehicle some time ago, & she stumbled upon an amazing Honda Odyssey for $5500 that she's enlisted in the Lord's work. She continues to reach out to her contacts, inviting them to the meetings & providing pick-up services to guests who need rides.
Cathy (left) & Gina register all the attendees—they make a great team!
Rema ensures that each guest enjoys light refreshments & water. The muffins & multi-grain chips are tasty.
Pastor Ferraz is preaching the series in Grand Blanc, & Elder Justin Ringstaff is presenting at Ferraz’ other church in Holly. He desires to share the everlasting gospel with everyone in the local community.
Pastor Ferraz & wife Petra make a powerful team. Here Petra is playing the piano during song service.
Holly Church
The Holly church welcomes 12 guests on Tuesday evening & had 13 visitors on opening night.
One of many signs in front of churches & meeting halls. A banner was also set up in downtown Holly inviting the community to the series.
Tiffany is very helpful answering questions about the Holly series. She's in charge of registration.
Dave teaches a very active group of youngsters. Two 6-yr-olds helped distribute invitations in the community that included two neighbors near their home that are attending the meetings.
Elder Ringstaff is preaching the series in Holly.
Arlene (left) & Josh are doing a great job helping with AV. Speakers really depend on the skillset of AV team members.
Elder Ringstaff puts is heart & soul into every meeting & message.
During the Sabbath School hour leading up to the series, members handed out Great Controversy's with invitation inserts in surrounding areas. They have been praying for God to bless their evangelistic efforts.
Rebecca is in charge of the children's program, which is also helpful to other volunteers with kids.
Fenton Church
The Fenton church on Wednesday evening before the start of the evening meeting.
The Fenton church welcomes 7 guests on Wednesday evening. They also had 7 guests on opening night.
Bob is one of the elders of the church. Tonight he's the welcoming greeter. It's a small church & everyone's chipping in.
Registering each guest & member is something you'll see in every church. Keeping track of attendees is vital.
Janis & Kathy provide a helping hand to attendees. Traveling from church to church makes you appreciate the faithful commitment of members throughout Michigan.
Mark (left) accepted Jesus into His life in 2014 after recognizing that the world is a dead-end street. He's been attending church ever since. Here he poses with Laura, another member who is helping with the series.
Erik Rodgers is the speaker for the Fenton series. He takes a moment to share his winsome smile before the meeting begins.
Heather oversees AV responsibilities.
The church family utilized the Sabbath School hour to reach their community & share about Discovering Revelation.
Personal letters, text messages, door-to-door distributions, & mailings were a handful of ways the church family were able to get the word out.
Elwell Church
The Elwell church serving the Kinyarwanda community was recognized as an official church in 2022. It’s the largest ethnic congregation with over 450 in regular attendance.
Upon arrival at the Elwell church the program is wrapping up. The Elwell series will be busier than most with two meetings held on Sabbath & Sundays, in addition to 3 evening meetings held during the week. They are conducting a 4-week series.
Approximately 30 members attend the 2nd night of the series. The approach to inviting Kinyarwandan speaking community members entails a word-of-mouth approach. They anticipate a snowball effect that will emerge into increasing guest attendance in the coming days.
Pastor Bernard Rumenera has been involved with 6 evangelistic series as the lead pastor of the Kinyarwandan church. It's all hands on deck as he encourages members to continue inviting their friends to the series.
Kentwood Church
Discovering Revelation, the state-wide evangelistic series was launched Monday evening.
You can't beat the inviting smile of Jan, a member of the Kentwood church. She welcomes & greets a guest. Every church needs many Jan's.
Wardell (right) is the prayer warrior of the Kentwood team. He says prayer is crucial if you "want to make Discovering Revelation a God-led event." Heart preparation through prayer & fasting is important to Wardell.
Maritza plays a vital role as children's coordinator. They can learn & absorb biblical principles too. When guests know their kids are accounted for, they can focus on the message.
Pat (left) & Eric looking busy managing AV while the photographer shoots away. It takes a team of committed members working the evening shift to be successful.
Pastor Carlos Sotomayor is committed to preaching the 3 angels' messages in the Kentwood community.
The icing on the cake is seeing guests absorb the message with their notepads & pen in hand.
Opening night can be nerve-racking. You don't know what to expect, & you don't know whether people will show up! When we do our part, God is faithful.
Over the past several weeks, Kentwood members have been distributing flyers & talking to community members, inviting them to the Discovering Revelation series.
Kentwood welcomes 9 adult guests & 3 children for a total of 12 visitors on opening night.
Keep the Kentwood church & their guests in your prayers. We pray for an abundant harvest in Kentwood & across the state of Michigan.