Adventurers Club is a home and church program for parents and their kids. It includes age-specific learning involving both parents and children by Bible study, crafts and recreational activities. Adventurers sets the stage for church participation and spiritual growth by encouraging early personal relationships with Jesus.
Under the direction of Ms. Rula, Metro Explorers participate in Adventurer curriculum to complete and earn stars, chips, and awards. At each meeting we have a devotional thought, sing songs together, and share classroom time for learning new skills, exploring our world, getting to know God, and discovering ourselves as children of the Creator.
In the Metro Explorer Club, we have a range of ages including Eager Beavers, Sunbeams, and Builders. Many of our club members attend Sabbath services at neighboring Adventist churches. We meet about twice a month to learn and study, growing together in Christ.
The Metropolitan Explorers recently shared the Sabbath together with a sister church. Gathering with Belleville church, Adventurers brought excitement and energy to a special Adventurer Sabbath event. The Belleville Pathfinder club joined us, and together we celebrated the Sabbath much like we envision Sabbaths in eternity to be. Each Adventurer brought something special to the service.
In Sabbath School we learned about God’s love from 1 Corinthians 13, focusing on how it does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth. We studied the story of Adam and Eve having a choice in the Garden of Eden. Caught by the Serpent’s enticing lies, the created couple suffered tremendous consequence. Through the deep love of God, which rejoices in truth, a plan of salvation was created for each one of us. We rejoice to know that when we make mistakes, God still loves us and has a plan to save us.
During the main church service, Adventurers entered the sanctuary carrying flags and banners while singing the Adventurer Song. The song highlights that wherever we are, we choose to be like Jesus. Ian McGrath shared an opening prayer for service. Several Adventurers, including Kaspian Hannan as Moses, acted out the story of the parting of the Red Sea to bring the Israelites safely through the waters. Chi-Lan Stevens narrated the biblical story of deliverance for the Israelites. Naomi Peach and Aila McGrath recited Revelation 14:7 for scripture reading. All of the Metro Explorers sang “If I Were A Butterfly” for a special music selection.
The Adventurer Law, recited by all of the Metro Explorers, reminds us that Jesus can help us to model character attributes that glorify Him. Eloise Pomo shared the Adventurer Pledge with the congregation, reminding us that in response to His love for us, we strive to always do our best.
Ian, Kaspian, and Eliana Mitchell each shared about a specific award they earned in their Adventurer program. Ian told of the obstacle course and how God cares for us even when our situation is tough to navigate. Kaspian shared that the lady bug lifecycle show us how God is a God of detail and cares for each stage of our lives. Eliana recalled the Rainbow award which teaches us the promise of God to never flood the Earth again.
Belleville pastor Victor Vaughn’s sermon inspired us with a profound realization of the reverence God deserves from each of us in all situations. Eliana Kim offered closing prayer.
The Adventurers gave each church member a small card and glow stick, reminding us to shine brightly for Jesus that He might be glorified in all we do.
We would like to extend the same invitation and reminder to each of you. Be a light to your community. Be a light for Jesus. Be willing to take adventure with Jesus, wherever it leads you.
For information on Adventurer clubs near you, please contact the Michigan Conference Youth Department.
Adventurers shared a special music selection, praising God for their smiles by singing "The Butterfly Song." (PC: Natalie Woolf)
Pathfinders joined and assisted with song service, leading the congregation in hymn singing. (PC: Natalie Woolf)
Adventurers presented a short drama of crossing the Red Sea during the service. (PC: Natalie Woolf)