Quotes supporting liberty of conscience in the following statement published by Adventist Health Ministries of the General Conference, Reaffirming Adventist Church Response to COVID-19:
- "The Seventh-day Adventist Church respects each individual’s freedom of choice to make responsible decisions regarding their own health."
- "The decision whether to take the vaccine or not is not a matter of salvation, nor is it related, as some may suggest, to the mark of the beast. It is a matter of personal choice."
- "We firmly believe that in matters of personal conviction we must be guided by the Word of God, our conscience, and informed judgment."
- "We recognize that at times our members will have personal concerns and even conscientious convictions that go beyond the teachings and positions of the Church."
- "Since our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we are Christ’s both by creation and redemption, we should personally seek God’s will about COVID-19 vaccinations."
- "After personally researching all sides of the question, considering one’s own unique health situation, seeking medical counsel, and praying, individuals should then, in consultation with their medical advisor/doctor, make the best choice possible."
Reaffirmation Statement Summary